Santuary Chobe Chilwero - Page 5

Some more of what we saw at Chobe Chilwero.

Links to other pages from this trip:
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This young may have been nursing
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And this buffalo had been playing in the mud
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We watched these two young wart hogs tussle for a while
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Don't you love the sideburns?
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Another marabou stork
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A helmeted guineafowl
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A red-billed spurfowl with chicks
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Sacred ibis
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We saw seveal different types of butterflies "puddling"
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We're still waiting for the book we ordered in order to identify them
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A fairly large herd of impala
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vervet monkey
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Several hippos in the distance out of the water - an unual sight during the day, as they prefer to be in the water to keep cool
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A gray heron
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A little bee-eater
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A swallow-tailed bee-eater
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Two southern carmine bee-eaters
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Lappet-faced vulture
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Green wood-hoopoe
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sable antelope
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Finally caught one "jumping" back up
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a young male red lechwe
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A pied kingfisher - the male is digging a hole in the river bank for a nest
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The female is sitting below him, observing
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These two zebras were in the only group of zebras we saw in Chobe National Park, and we saw them as we were leaving on our last day