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Our shadow as we go down the road
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Egyptian geese in the tree
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Our first glimpse of a lion pride. It
turned out that there were 3 female and 10 baby lions.
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They approach with the babies
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Our guide told us that the female lions would bring the cubs out to see the vehicles and get them used to being out
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At first they were pretty watchful and checking out their surroundings
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You can see another vehicle approaching. The news of the lions spread fast, and before long there were about ten vehicles full of watchers.
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Believe it or not, this is a different lion, in a different group. I think this is a young male, just starting to get a mane
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There was another young female with the male above
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Another Giraffe getting minerals from the dirt
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And here is how she got back on her feet
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Scaly-feathered finch
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White-browed robin-chat
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White-browed robin-chats singing
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Temminck's Coursers
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Southern carmine bee-eater
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Male double-banded sandgrouse
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We keep seeing more elephants and
giraffes. They were both pretty plentiful in the Chobe National
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Young male kudu
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We were surprised with a lunch-time river cruise on this double-decker pontoon boat. We spent the rest of the afternoon on the Chobe river
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And saw this elephant
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And this water monitor lizard
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Not sure what he was looking for, but
he dug around for quite a while
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Testing the ground with his tongue
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This elephant was way out in the river, making his way to the shore.
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And using the trunk for a snorkel
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A group of giraffe on the hill overlooking the river
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More hippos in the river
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A pretty large crocodile on the shore
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We saw the leopard from the boat as well
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It seems quite alert
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Not sure what it saw, but it certainly seemed interested.
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And another beautiful sunset over the river.