Santuary Chobe Chilwero - Page 2

We spent six nights in Chobe Chilwero and were out on game drives or boat rides every day, and most days from 6:30 or 7:00am until the park closed at 6:30pm. We saw a bunch of different animals and birds, so here is another page of some of the animals and birds we saw there.

Links to other pages from this trip:
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Banded mongoose running across the yard
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A Barn owl in the rafters of the entrance to Chobe National Park
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A dark-capped bulbul in the rafters as well
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Manaqua doves
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African Gray hornbill
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Cape buffalo and white-faced ducks
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Every time more buffalo came, the ducks flew in a circle and came back to the same place
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Wood sandpiper
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Cape turtle dove
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Cape vulture
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One happy buffalo
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Little egret
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Egyptian geese
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Squacco heron
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Giant kingfisher (female)
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Emerald-spotted wood dove
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Cape buffalo, Fish eagle, and blacksmith lapwing
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Magpie shrike
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Hippo wading into the river
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Elephant dust bath
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Red Lechwe (male)
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Red Lechwe (female)
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Vervet monkey
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Preparing our "bush lunch". (Leslie taking a sample to make sure it's okay.)
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Leslie and Pam, Steve's best side, and "Zeebee" our inflatable zebra baby - intended to bring us luck. Our "vehicle" is on the right. The other vehicle is the one that brought us lunch.
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A closer view of Zeebee
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More elephants
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A cute baby elephant
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These two adolescents were "play fighting" with one another
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I count ten in this photo
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and maybe 14 in this photo
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A female in front, male in back
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Long-tailed Paradise Whydah
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A baboon family
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On the run!
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A nice mud bath!
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Impala and a baboon at the water hole
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Brown snake eagle
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A large group of cape buffalo, including some young ones
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Mom and baby cape buffalo
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A young elephant
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African sacred ibis
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lilac breasted roller
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Spotted thick-knee
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Elephants playing in water
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Elephants playing in water
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Look at them run
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I'm guessing yellow wagtail
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Baboon baby on back of Mom
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Same leopard - other side
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A Puff Adder